This ESL elective series is designed for students who feel the need for an intense review in preparation for any of the following:1) taking an English Proficiency Test offered by an educational testing service, 2) preparing for transfer to a senior level college, 3) preparing for additional testing offered for admission into professional schools and/or 4) preparing for other opportunities where proficiency in the English Language is required. The course offers an intensive review in listening, speaking, reading, and writing and is intended for those students who either exhibit or express a need for further practice in one or all of the four language skill areas. In addition, the course features a diagnostic approach that integrates critical thinking skills, as a part of the English language. The three components of the elective series are:
ESL107-A: Reading & Writing
ESL107-B: Listening & Speaking
ESL107-C: Special Topics
This quarter is an option for students who wish to have a deeper cultural assimilation experience and is not a requirement for program completion. Only students who have satisfied all program requirements as described for the English as a Second Language program are eligible to enroll for this cultural assimilation class.
Join TBI to achieve the necessary knowledge and language skills to efficiently and effectively pursue your professional career or life goals within the United States or abroad.